Communicating with a multi lingual audience

It’s International Day of Translation today, so I thought it would be good to talk about a multi-lingual audience and share some top tips for communicating in a different language. Firstly though, you need to establish if you are really ready to start communicating in another language – have you got an effective communications plan […]

What you need to know about saying Thank You

So according to my planner, I was due to be writing about gratitude this week, partly because I saw that it was World Gratitude Day on Wednesday, and partly because despite all the upheaval and change I mentioned last week, I really feel I have a lot to be grateful for. It would be easy […]

We’re back!

We’re back – and after nearly 18 months it’s so hard to get started – it must have taken me an hour to get started with this post alone! It’s the reason so many of us put off our marketing and communications efforts, and I must admit I had forgotten how tough it can be! […]

Making it personal: How well do you know your audience?

You may think you’ve got a pretty good handle on who you want to talk to, but how well do you really know your audience? Do you know what makes them tick, and equally, what winds them up? It’s not enough anymore to rely on traditional sales and marketing demographics to try and sell your […]

Spell check: Five common types of spelling errors

Thanks to the development of technology and smart phones, most of us now heavily rely on spellcheck and autocorrect. Our brains switch off somewhat to our spelling when drafting messages, and manual spellchecking and proof-reading are becoming a distant memory. However spellcheck and autocorrect do not pick up every error – they can be a […]

Positive messaging: The power of your words

With International Day of Happiness coming up this weekend, and with the times continuing to be challenging for a lot of people around the world, I thought I would share something around positivity and happiness, and how the way in which you write can have such an impact on the reader and their emotions. Whether […]

Getting to grips with grammar

Yes, I know it’s International Women’s Day this week, but personally I feel the subject has been well and truly covered by the dearth of emails, newsletters, and media coverage on female related content. Meanwhile, it was National Grammar Day last week, and I felt this poorer cousin needed a little love, particularly in view of […]

What’s your story? Top tips for telling yours…

With World Book Day upon us this week, and social media feeds already being take over by hordes of cute children dressed up as their favourite literary heroes, it had me thinking about stories – those we tell and hear, and the ones we remember and repeat. I love reading, and writing (and talking), so this […]

Three things you need to know before you start with PR

With the start of the new year, and the optimism that the vaccine roll out around the world is bringing, we are seeing a very encouraging renewed interest in PR and marketing, particularly from the smaller organisations and SME’s who have been cautiously managing their budgets over the last twelve months. As things start to […]

Kindness in the business community

Now more than ever, kindness is essential, and that shouldn’t change once you get behind your laptop and put your work hat on. As Random Acts of Kindness Day rolls around again this week, it’s a good time to be thinking about how you can show a little kindness to your business community: