How to make a good first impression

Say what you will, we all judge. People will form an opinion of you after meeting you for the first time, watching your first video, reading your first article or post – and they’ll make the judgement very quickly, you really don’t have very long to make a good impression. The first moments count: The […]

Exporting your brand: 7 steps to get started in a new market

Whether you are a freelancer, start up, or established organisation, the challenges with taking your brand and business to a new market remain the same. If you’re following our social media, you may have seen that we have recently relocated (again!) to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and are currently in the process of re-establishing ourselves – […]

Four simple steps for next level social media

If you want to take your social media and your company’s online image to the next level, you need to be doing more than just posting a couple of photos or news stories. But don’t panic, you need to invest your time smarter, rather than simply ploughing more hours into creating more and more elaborate […]

Website top tips

When was the last time you reviewed, updated or otherwise refreshed your website? Well, Spring is in the air, so now is the perfect time to give it a good Spring clean! As the home of your brand, and the hub for everything you do, your website has look good, be easy to use, and […]

Social Media 101: Morning workshop

My social media workshops will be held in Bournemouth and Poole every month, sharing the top tips and tricks to help business owners and leaders manage their social media efficiently and effectively. We’ll look at strategy, content and management of social media, exploring the basics of what, when and how to post on channels including […]

How long does it take to build a relationship?

My in-person time is precious. Not that it isn’t for everyone, time is after all the most precious commodity we have. However, now that I am truly understanding the challenges of juggling care of a toddler and work, and with only two mornings at nursery truly ‘free’, having in-person meetings could be seen as a […]

A cautionary tale of website creation

Why is it that technology always crashes when you need it most? And why is that getting a decent, dependable web developer is so hard?? I was delighted when my website was created, it was everything I had requested. It was clear and crisp, easy to navigate and update, and reflected who I am, what […]

Virtual networking: 4 tips to take online

Last week I attended a fantastic online networking event hosted by NetworkMyClub. On registering, I was more than a little dubious about how effective the event would be. Ribbons Network members (which now include me) were invited to join the already successful NetworkMyClub members, resulting in a large group of people, all wanting to get […]

Top tips for using images

  We’ve been focusing on images this week, and the importance of using strong imagery to communicate and connect with your audience. The right pictures can help convey your message, are retained longer and more easily recalled, they allow the audience to connect with you and build trust and understanding, BUT, it can’t just be […]

Efficient comms: How to reduce work stress

It’s hard running a business, particularly when you’re doing it alone. Trying to juggle the day-to-day management, the marketing, new business lead generation and follow up, networking and accounts, that’s without the actual work itself! And all this on top of our busy home lives, hobbies, family, life admin… The juggle is real! World Mental […]